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If you can not complete your order online you can call to our shop to speak to a designer in person or you can email your design requests to jjlalor1@gmail.com and we will revert with a proof of the card.

Ack 13

Prices Start from €45

How to Order:

  1. Select the product you wish to order.
  2. You can customize the design to suit your needs. Alter images, upload photographs, edit/format text or change the position of any element using the formatting options available above the design.
  3. Select the quantity of the product.
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  5. Add to cart and checkout.
  6. Receive a digital copy of your design.
  7. Review and approve your card for print.

To modify the verse on the card, please follow the provided steps:

  1.  Select the “Select Verse” button below to access a list of available verses.
  2.  Click the “Copy to clipboard” button next to the desired verse and close the window.
  3.  Navigate to the text area on the card and choose “Edit Text.”
  4.  Highlight the entire text and use the keyboard shortcut cmd+V (for Mac) or ctrl+V (for Windows) to paste the copied verse.
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Ack 13

Prices Start from €45

How to Order:

  1. Select the product you wish to order.
  2. You can customize the design to suit your needs. Alter images, upload photographs, edit/format text or change the position of any element using the formatting options available above the design.
  3. Select the quantity of the product.
  4. Modify the Verse (Optional).
  5. Add to cart and checkout.
  6. Receive a digital copy of your design.
  7. Review and approve your card for print.

To modify the verse on the card, please follow the provided steps:

  1.  Select the “Select Verse” button below to access a list of available verses.
  2.  Click the “Copy to clipboard” button next to the desired verse and close the window.
  3.  Navigate to the text area on the card and choose “Edit Text.”
  4.  Highlight the entire text and use the keyboard shortcut cmd+V (for Mac) or ctrl+V (for Windows) to paste the copied verse.
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Related Cards

Fold him O Jesus, in Thine arms,
And let him henceforth be,
A messenger of love between
Our human hearts and Thee.

Each time we look at your picture
You seem to smile and say,
Don’t be sad but courage take,
And love each other for my sake.

Christ has died;
Christ is risen
Christ will come again.

In the shelter of Thy Sacred Heart, Dear Jesus, may she rest;
We love her well but still we know, God’s Holy Will is best.

All I ask is that wherever you
may be you will remember me
at Holy Communion and at the
foot of the Altar. St. Monica

Two tired eyes are sleeping,
Two willing hands are still;
The one who worked so hard for us Is resting at God’s Will.

No matter how life changes,
No matter what we do,
A special place within our hearts,
Is always kept for you.

It does not take a special day,
For us to think of you; Each Mass we hear, each prayer we say, Is offered up for you.

A silent grief that’s in our hearts,
No human eye can trace;
For many a broken heart is hid
Beneath a smiling face

Those who die in grace
go no further from us than God,
and God is very near.

Your life was love and labour,
Your love for your family true,
You did your best for all of us
We will always remember you.

If tears could build a stairway,
and memories a lane,
I’d walk right up to Heaven
and bring you back again.

As day dawns and starts anew, As each day ends I think of you. And in between, no matter where, Deep in my hear you are
always there

No special day is needed,
For us to think of you.
For you are someone special
And we thought the world of you

A daily thought, a silent tear,
Always wishing you were here
Life goes on, we know that’s true,
But never the same since
losing you

Loving you is easy,
We do it every day,
Missing you is a heartache,
That never goes away.

Our hearts still ache with sadness, and secret tears still flow. What it meant to lose you –
No one can ever know.

God saw the road was getting rough, The hill was hard to climb, He gently closed your weary eyes, And whispered “Peace be thine”.

Angel of God, my guardian dear,
To whom God’s love commits me here, Ever this day, be at my side To light and guard, to rule and guide.

God grant me the Serenity
to accept the things I cannot
change… Courage to change
the things I can, and Wisdom to
know the difference.

Pray for me as I will for thee,
that we may all merrily meet
in heaven.

St. Thomas More

Eternal rest grant unto him,
O Lord,and let perpetual light
shine upon him.
May he rest in peace. Amen

Please don’t be unhappy ,
Just because I’m out of sight,
Remember that I’m with you,
Every morning, noon and night.

My heart still aches with sadness,
My secret tears still flow.
For what it meant to lose you
No one will ever know.

Loved with a love
beyond all telling,
Missed with a grief
beyond all tears.

Lonely is the home without you,
Life to us is not the same, All the world would be like heaven,
If we could have you back again.

In Heaven you rest,
No worries, no pain.
God bless you ………
’Till we meet again.

In God’s care you rest above
In our hearts, you rest in love.
Never more than a thought away,
Loved and remembered
every day

A bouquet of beautiful memories, Sprayed with a million tears, Wishing God could have
spared you,
If just for a few more years.

Just a prayer from the family
who loved you, Just a memory fond and true, In our hearts you will live forever, Because we thought the world of you.

May the God of Love and Mercy,
Care for our loved one
who is gone,
And bless with consolation,
Those left to carry on.

Missed in the morning of every day, Missed in the evening as light fades away Missed in a thousand and one little ways Around every corner a memory stays.

You can only have one mother,
Patient kind and true;
No other friend in all the world,
Will be the same to you.

All I ask is that you will
remember me at Mass and
Holy Communion. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee

May Heaven hold a place
for you,
Where you can dig and plant,
Flowers of the humblest kind,
And those of rarest scent.

Deep in our hearts your
memory is kept,
To love, to cherish and
never forget.

Those we love can never be
More than a thought apart,
For as long as there is a memory,
They’ll live on in our hearts.

We hold you close within
our hearts, And there you shall remain, To walk with us throughout our lives, Until we meet again.

Gone from us but
leaving memories,
Death can never take away,
Memories that will always linger,
While upon this earth we stay.

The happy hours we once enjoyed, How sweet their memory still, But death has left a vacant place, This world can never fill.

We did not see you close your eyes, We did not see you die,
All we knew was that you
were gone, Without a last goodbye.

Life is but a stopping place,
A pause in what’s to be,
A resting place along the road,
To Sweet Eternity.

Sweet Jesus, take this message,
To our dear mother up above;
Tell her how we miss her,
And give her all our love.

Your smiles we miss,
Your laughter we treasure,
Loving you always,
Forgetting you never.

Deep are the memories,
Precious they stay.
No passing of time,
Can take them away

The family of the late
desire to return their grateful thanks for your
kind expression of sympathy in their recent
great loss, and especially your kindness
in having Mass offered.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be
offered for your intentions.

The family of the late
desire to return their grateful thanks for your
kind expression of sympathy in their recent
great loss, and especially your kindness
in having Mass offered.

The family of the late
thank you most sincerely for your kind
expression of sympathy in their
recent bereavement.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be
offered for your intentions.

The family of the late
thank you most sincerely for your kind
expression of sympathy in their
recent bereavement.

The family of the late
gratefully acknowledge and very
deeply appreciate your kind expression
of sympathy in their recent great loss.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be
offered for your intentions.

The family of the late
gratefully acknowledge and
very deeply appreciate your kind
expression of sympathy in their
recent great loss

The family of the late
deeply appreciate and will always
hold in grateful remembrance your kind
expression of sympathy with them
in their recent sad loss.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be
offered for your intentions.

The family of the late
deeply appreciate and will always
hold in grateful remembrance your kind
expression of sympathy with them
in their recent sad loss.

The family of the late
desire to return their grateful thanks for your
kind expression of sympathy in their recent
great loss, and especially your kindness
in having Mass offered.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be
offered for your intentions.

The family of the late
desire to return their grateful thanks for your
kind expression of sympathy in their recent
great loss, and especially your kindness
in having Mass offered

The family of the late
thank you most sincerely for your kind
expression of sympathy in their
recent bereavement.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be
offered for your intentions.

The family of the late
thank you most sincerely for your kind
expression of sympathy in their
recent bereavement.

The family of the late
gratefully acknowledge and very
deeply appreciate your kind expression
of sympathy in their recent great loss.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be
offered for your intentions.

The family of the late
gratefully acknowledge and
very deeply appreciate your kind
expression of sympathy in their
recent great loss.

The family of the late
deeply appreciate and will always
hold in grateful remembrance your kind
expression of sympathy with them
in their recent sad loss.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be
offered for your intentions.

The family of the late
deeply appreciate and will always
hold in grateful remembrance your kind
expression of sympathy with them
in their recent sad loss.

I’d like the memory of me
to be a happy one.
I’d like to leave an afterglow
of smiles when life is done.
I’d like to leave an echo,
whispering softly down the ways.
Of happy times and laughing times
and bright and sunny days.
I’d like the tears of those
who grieve, to dry before the sun.
Of happy memories that
I leave when life is done.

Perhaps you sent a lovely card,
Or sat quietly in a chair,
Perhaps you sent a funeral spray,
If so, we saw it there,
Perhaps you spoke the kindest words,
As any friend could say,
Perhaps you were not there at all,
Just thought of us that day,
Whatever you did to console our hearts,
We thank you, so very much whatever the part.

The family of the late
desire to return their grateful thanks for your
kind expression of sympathy in their recent
great loss, and especially your kindness
in having Mass offered.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be
offered for your intentions.

The family of the late
desire to return their grateful thanks for your
kind expression of sympathy in their recent
great loss, and especially your kindness
in having Mass offered.

The family of the late
thank you most sincerely for your kind
expression of sympathy in their
recent bereavement.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be
offered for your intentions.

The family of the late
thank you most sincerely for your kind
expression of sympathy in their
recent bereavement.

The family of the late
gratefully acknowledge and very
deeply appreciate your kind expression
of sympathy in their recent great loss.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be
offered for your intentions.

The family of the late
gratefully acknowledge and
very deeply appreciate your kind
expression of sympathy in their
recent great loss.

The family of the late
deeply appreciate and will always
hold in grateful remembrance your kind
expression of sympathy with them
in their recent sad loss.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be
offered for your intentions.

The family of the late
deeply appreciate and will always
hold in grateful remembrance your kind
expression of sympathy with them
in their recent sad loss.

I’d like the memory of me
to be a happy one.
I’d like to leave an after glow
of smiles when life is done.
I’d like to leave an echo,
whispering softly
down the ways.
Of happy times and
laughing times and
bright and sunny days.
I’d like the tears of those
who grieve,
to dry before the sun.
Of happy memories that
I leave when life is done.

Perhaps you sent a lovely card,
Or sat quietly in a chair,
Perhaps you sent a funeral spray,
If so, we saw it there,
Perhaps you spoke the kindest words,
As any friend could say,
Perhaps you were not there at all,
Just thought of us that day,
Whatever you did to console our hearts,
We thank you, so very much whatever the part.

The family of the late
desire to return their grateful thanks for
your kind expression of sympathy
in their recent great loss,
and especially your kindness
in having Mass offered.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be
offered for your intentions.

The family of the late
desire to return their grateful thanks for
your kind expression of sympathy
in their recent great loss,
and especially your kindness
in having Mass offered

The family of the late
thank you most sincerely for your kind
expression of sympathy in their
recent bereavement.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be
offered for your intentions.

The family of the late
thank you most sincerely for your kind
expression of sympathy in their
recent bereavement

The family of the late
gratefully acknowledge and very deeply
appreciate your kind expression of sympathy
in their recent great loss.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be
offered for your intentions.

The family of the late
gratefully acknowledge and very
deeply appreciate your kind expression
of sympathy in their recent
great loss.

The family of the late
deeply appreciate and will always
hold in grateful remembrance your kind
expression of sympathy with them
in their recent sad loss.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be
offered for your intentions.

The family of the late
deeply appreciate and will always
hold in grateful remembrance your kind
expression of sympathy with them
in their recent sad loss.

After Glow
I’d like the memory of me
to be a happy one.
I’d like to leave an after glow
of smiles when life is done.
I’d like to leave an echo,
whispering softly
down the ways.
Of happy times and
laughing times and
bright and sunny days.
I’d like the tears of those
who grieve,
to dry before the sun.
Of happy memories that
I leave when life is done.

Perhaps you sent a lovely card,
Or sat quietly in a chair,
Perhaps you sent a funeral spray,
If so, we saw it there,
Perhaps you spoke the kindest words,
As any friend could say,
Perhaps you were not there at all,
Just thought of us that day,
Whatever you did to console our hearts,
We thank you so very much whatever the part